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Casbah Club:

Song Lyrics and Stories


Venustraphobia (STIR10108)

Sex Change:

At first, my inspiration for the Sex Change lyric was simply to shock my way into the charts but I soon realised that there was a deeper, more meaningful story to be elaborated on here…. A man, though physically stronger than a woman, is often at her mercy. Women have a power that goes beyond strength. The lines, “Heavens weapon, Gods explosion” and “My body is a gun” sum it up. Being a man, I often wonder what it would be like to possess that power, that sexual prowess that a woman is gifted with and that I can only be a servant to.

Twenty To Eleven:

Twenty To Eleven really happened. I came out of the bank after being served by a beautiful Asian girl. I looked up at the clock tower over the shopping centre, my heart beating…. I wanted to be inspired. I needed to write about the moment and as that was the way I felt at the time it seemed like a perfectly good title for a song.

When She Sleeps:

When She Sleeps… When the girl you adore doesn’t have her heart in anything she’s doing anymore. She’s away with the fairies thinking about another guy. You are no longer able to arouse her. Everything you say annoys her. She is no longer yours but she is still living with you, struggling with daily life. I’m afraid to say, now only he can turn her on, it’s time to let go and then maybe she’ll come back when she’s ready.